Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Expect lots of red hats in the Yankee Stadium stands when the Phillies come to town

Think tickets for the World Series games at Yankee Stadium are hard to come by? They're even more expensive in Philiadelphia.

Ticket site FanSnap.com sent over these ticket price numbers, as of Tuesday afternoon.

In New York the average ticket listing is $650 for Games 1 and 2. Fans can get-in for about $350.

For Philadelphia, the average ticket is running about $1,500 with get-ins at about $500.

If the series goes back to New York, the average ticket listing is nearly $1,000 and the get-in prices are $450.

New York

World Series Game 1 Phillies @ Yankees
Tickets listed = 6,000+
Average price = $625
Get-in (lowest) price = $325 (Bleachers)
Field Dugout Best Value = $826
Field Infield Best Value = $ 484
Field Outfiled Best Value = $482
Grandstand Dugout Best Value = $335
Grandstand Outfield Best Value = $325
Legends Best Value = $1,969
Main Dugout Best Value = $615
Main Infield Best Value = $703
Main Outfield Best Value = $400
Main Suite Best Value = $1,300
Terrace Dugout Best Value = $650
Terrace Infield Best Value = $450
Terrace Outfield Best Value = $350
Terrace Suite Best Value = $700

World Series Game 2 Phillies @ Yankees
Tickets listed = 7,500+
Average price = $681
Get-in (lowest) price = $336


World Series Game 3 Yankees @ Phillies
Tickets listed = 3,500+
Average price = $1,403
Get-in (lowest) price = $500 (SRO)
Arcade Best Value = $1,045
Baseline Best Value = $950
Diamond Club Best Value = $2,375
Hall of Fame Club Best Value = $1,104
Infield Best Value = $1,300
Outfield Best Value = $850
Pavilion Best Value = $875
Pavilion Deck Best Value = $650
Scoreboard Porch Best Value = $911
Terrace Best Value = $775
Terrace Deck Best Value = $635

World Series Game 4 Yankees @ Phillies
Tickets listed = 3,700+
Average price = $1,593
Get-in (lowest) price = $500 (SRO)

World Series Game 5 Yankees @ Phillies
Tickets listed = 7,500
Average price = $1,650
Get-in (lowest) price = $450 (SRO)

World Series Game 6 Phillies @ Yankees
Tickets listed = 9,000+
Average price = $910
Get-in (lowest) price = $400 (Grandstand Outfield)

World Series Game 7 Phillies @ Yankees
Tickets listed = 12,500+
Average price = $989
Get-in (lowest) price = $450 (Grandstand Outfield)

My guess is that Phillies fans who have a few extra bucks in their pocket will buy tix at Yankee Stadium, the way they showed up in May at the Stadium for the Philly series. Bummer.

What do you think? Leave us a comment!

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