Sunday, April 18, 2010

If John Sterling had home run calls for Met relievers

Rather than dwell on the depressing fact that after Sunday night's loss, three different Met relievers have given up a game-deciding home run in the last five games, I found myself thinking about how John Sterling might have called these latest Met debacles:

Jenrry Mejia - A see-ya from Mejia!
Raul Valdes - I pity the fool who put in Raul!
Ryota Igarashi - It's Ry-outta there!

At least the Ike Davis era looks about to begin.


  1. I've defended Minaya for years, mostly because he brought the Mets some credibility and he wasn't Steve Phillips. However, now I'm jumping on the Fire Omar bandwagon. Not only has he been keeping Ike Davis in Buffalo when it was clear that the Mets' first base options were not getting anything done but his offseason moves and non-moves didn't make sense when he made them and less sense now. Jacobs? If Kansas City doesn't want a player, that's a good sign that he is awful. Gary Matthews? If a team is willing to eat tens of millions of dollar to get rid of him, that's a good sign that you shouldn't want him. And don't get me started on what they're doing to Meija (although that's more Jerry Manuel's fault than anyone elses).

    But what really annoys me right now is that he decided to sign Jacobs, Catty and Tatis instead of Felipe Lopez, who could've been had for a song. And this past series with the Cards just showed how good of a role player Lopez is and could have been for the Mets. Need someone to spell Wright? Put in Lopez. Reyes or Castillo? Put in Lopez. Hell, I bet Lopez could have played first too.

  2. After the Ludwick HR last night, perhaps Iggy should be the new "Sayonara Kid".....

  3. It's an F-bomb! From F-Rod! Come on, Jon, that one was obvious.

    You can do it for starters, too: It's off the Perez-ervation! It got on the plane thanks to Maine! It's Johan, Johan Santana, a home run that's hit to Havana!

    For Billy Wagner: It's more tags on Wags!

    Mel Rojas: The Ro-jas-been! (That Paul O'Neill homer will live forever. And Met fans want Bobby V back?)

  4. Guinness: I agree - even with a limited budget, Omar could have made much better choices instead of scavenging for players other teams didn't want.
    Jonmouk71: A biggie from Iggy!
    Uncle Mike: Don't want to leave Yankee relievers out - A tape-measure Joba!
