Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Squawker Dilemma: What to watch - and tape - last night during Yankees-Red Sox

I had a very busy evening last night, with some tough television choices. And I didn't even get to see the first half of Yankees-Red Sox live.

Here's the story - I was in Manhattan for a computer software training class that I needed to attend, so I didn't even get home to Staten Island until 9:45 p.m. And if that weren't bad enough, two of my favorite shows were on TV at the very same time as the Yankee game - "Dancing With the Stars" and "The Biggest Loser"!

As my DVR will only let my TV tape two shows at once, I had to have a mini-elimination round at home. Sorry, "Dancing With the Stars," I will have to watch (Spoiler Alert!) Buzz Aldrin get thrown off the show on my computer screen later today. "The Biggest Loser" and the Yankee game made the cut instead (although my DVR taping the game inexplicably cut off at 9:28 p.m., for some bizarre reason!) And that doesn't even get into that I also missed "V" last night, which I taped to watch today.

Anyhow, I got home when the game was tied, 4-4, and watched the rest of it live. Fortunately, I got to see Nick Johnson walk in the go-ahead run, Joba Chamberlain go back to being the Joba of old (as Vinny from "Jersey Shore" would say, Joba was fist-pumping like a champ!), Robinson Cano's homer, and Mariano Rivera's save. Good times!

About Johnson's crucial walk: Joel Sherman has a piece in the New York Post today, called Rivalry now more about patience than passion, in which he complained about the walk:
Not long ago The Rivalry was about Manny and Papi. Jeter and Mo. It was about bloody socks, Pedro tossing Zimmer and everyone hating A-Rod on both sides of the field.

Now the symbol of Yankees-Red Sox is Nick Johnson looking at pitches.....

Johnson saw five pitches in his final at-bat. That is all he did. He never swung. In the current condition of The Rivalry that made him a hero.
Yes, because somebody getting a crucial walk has NEVER become a hero (cough, cough, Kevin Millar) in the Rivalry. Next thing you know, somebody will become a Rivalry hero by stealing a base or something!

Oh, and Sherman can never resist the A-Rod snipes, can he? Even in an article that has absolutely nothing to do with Rodriguez, he's still got to cut the knife. Classy!

Anyhow, back to the game. A.J. Burnett and Jorge Posada seem to have peace in the valley for now, although Burnett said it's going to be the last time he's going to talk about it. Somehow, I don't think that's a promise he's going to keep!

And how about Posada saying that Joba was back where he belonged? That's one thing about Jorge - he always speaks his mind!

On a superficial note, does Mark Teixeira have a new hairstyle this year? And is Jeter's high-top fade finally gone? Talk about the end of an era!

What do you think? Tell us about it!


  1. Sherman was also complaining on Twitter last night about how boring these games have become. I wanted to tell him the games haven't become boring, he has.

    What does he expect from Game 2 in the regular season? For benches to clear and mass hysteric drama over...a game that doesn't yet have much meaning to the season? Convenient too how he's forgotten last season already. We had the 0-8 drama, the nail biting 15 inning game, V-Mart's home run which was countered by Damon and Teixeira. And then the final match up where Papi said they'd celebrate the WC berth like crazy in NYS only for the Yanks to clinch and party instead! Those games were far from boring this viewer. Last night's game was a good old ballgame with a little back and forth but mostly a nice stability from the Yanks' bullpen. Boo hoo for Sherman. I enjoyed it.

    Oh, and Jorgie can say what he wants about Joba. There's a reason he's a catcher and not an organizational mastermind working on developing pitchers for the Yankees. ;)

  2. Good observations. I do wish that these games had been a little later in the season, to build up anticipation and all that, but to complain that they're not exciting enough is silly. Especially when the Yankees won last night!

    And if these writers are so bored, why don't they find other professions?

  3. Lisa
    You have to DVR one show, and have picture in picture on TV. That way, you can watch both at the same time:)


  4. Just remember, the Yankees are on YES, while the biggest loser is on SNY.

    Hee hee hee...
