Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yes, I like Ike, sez this Yankee fan

For once, a Mets game wasn't a total snoozefest. Yes, I watched Ike Davis make his major league debut with the Mets last night. Just so you know, if Davis is a success, I will credit his father, ex-Yankee Ron Davis, with making it all happen. If he isn't a hit, I'll blame the Metropolitans!

I even watched the end of the game, when Jeff Francouer doused Ike Davis with a pie in the face. Now that such things are so well known in Yankeeland, thanks to last year's walkoff win whipped cream tradition, I think I can be a critic about the Mets' version of the pie:

* They should have used whipped cream, and not shaving cream. Tastes a heck of a lot better!

* Where was the element of surprise? Frenchy was about as subtle as a banjo.

* And finally, Jeff should have run when delivering the pie. It makes it much more fearsome.

What do you think? Tell us about it!

1 comment:

  1. Ditto! I was very disappointed to see the rookie "welcomed" by having shaving cream smeared into his mouth and nasal cavities. The one time Burnett was without whipped cream he made sure to warn Swisher not to lick his lips. Maybe Frenchy should get a few tips from the Bronx. ;)

    (The best pie delivery was certainly when A.J. utilized Joba as a decoy so he could get Jorge. That's true devotion to the art of pie.)
